Verify that your new subscription is working and all data has been transferred.Ĭontact customer support to cancel your old subscription. Transfer a public website between subscriptionsĬancel the subscription for the plan you're done with by calling Microsoft Support for Microsoft 365. Transfer administrative settings between subscriptions
You can use different credentials in the two windows to sign in on both accounts.
Right-click your browser icon, and open two private browser windows. Sign in to both accounts in separate browser windows: Transfer data from your old subscription to your new subscription. Set up your new subscription, including creating the required DNS records for your custom domain.Ĭreate your users, with email addresses on your custom domain. Set up your custom domain for your new subscription, and set up your users. And after you remove the CNAME record that points to your public website, it will not be available. When you remove the DNS records for Lync, Lync will stop working. > After you remove the MX record that routes email to this custom domain, email will stop working until you have added the domain to your new account, set up the new MX record, and set up your users. If you host your public website on Microsoft 365, you'll also need to remove the CNAME record that points to it. Remove your custom domain from your old Microsoft 365 subscription.įollow the required steps before you remove a domain to remove the domain name from user email addresses and remove DNS records for email and Lync for the custom domain. Even if you plan to save all your data from your old Microsoft 365 subscription, and cancel that subscription, the old yourcompany value is not immediately available for use in a new subscription. > It typically takes a minimum of several months after canceling a subscription to release the initial domain names that use yourcompany from our systems.
You need to use a different yourcompany name than you did for any existing subscriptions. When you sign up, you specify the company name to use in the initial domain names: yourcompany. If you need to change your subscription plan and can use the Switch plans wizard, or if you need to transfer to a new subscription plan in the same subscription family even when the Switch plans wizard doesn't work, you don't need to manually transfer your data, and there is no down time.